This must've been seen before...I ran into it while trying to track down a lost message from a command-line app which publishes one message then exits. I'm running ros kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04.4. My colleague has duplicated the problem using the ros_tutorials, and even found it happens on indigo!
I downloaded the ros_tutorials and when I run the listener then the talker, I see the first one or two messages are not received by the listener. Note: I am careful to start the listener many seconds before the talker, so I know it's sitting there waiting to receive messages on the topic.
terminal 1:
$ rosrun roscpp_tutorials listener
[ INFO] [1522884464.985198808]: I heard: [hello world 3]
[ INFO] [1522884465.084941089]: I heard: [hello world 4]
[ INFO] [1522884465.184948624]: I heard: [hello world 5]
terminal 2:
$ rosrun roscpp_tutorials talker
[ INFO] [1522884464.684117550]: hello world 0
[ INFO] [1522884464.784338065]: hello world 1
[ INFO] [1522884464.884241317]: hello world 2
[ INFO] [1522884464.984259097]: hello world 3
[ INFO] [1522884465.084324610]: hello world 4
[ INFO] [1522884465.184348827]: hello world 5
^C[ INFO] [1522884465.284327998]: hello world 6
EDIT: The use case is I'm using a command-line utility to inject a fault-notification DiagnosticStatus message onto /diagnostics, where the diagnostic_aggregator is already up and running, and other publishers have been publishing for some time. In this case it is important to not lose messages - it is not a "emit sensor-data" use case, and the service model cannot be used.
FWIW the python talker/listener do not lose initial messages. The problem goes away if I put ros::Duration(1).sleep() between the call to advertise and the call to publish, but does not go away if I put a ros::Rate sleep() for 10 seconds between the advertise and the publish.
Once the messages start flowing they all come through - it's the first one or two that get lost.
Something seems broken. Does anyone have any clues?