Hi there,
I have a custom-built robot which I am trying to control with move_it. I have written the urdf and generated the srdf using the move_it setup assistant.
All the topics from my URDF are being broadcast on tf links at 30Hz based on a sensor_msgs/JointState node I wrote. I am trying to link the base of my robot to the vicon `/world` coodinate frame (I am using the [vicon_bridge package](http://wiki.ros.org/vicon_bridge) ). For some reason, I find that the frames being broadcast by vicon are crazily high (to the order of 200 - 400Hz) and as a result, move_it is not updating the tf transforms because of errors such as the following:
```ERROR] [1477965797.682768512]: Transform error: Lookup would require extrapolation into the future. Requested time 1477965797.631547473 but the latest data is at time 1477965797.626859796, when looking up transform from frame [headnball_link] to frame [world]
My `tf` `view_frames` is given by the attachment in the link http://tinypic.com/r/23uwtmo/9 . Is there a way to specify the publish limit to a nodefrom within a roslaunch file?