time_from_start of JointTrajectory on RosMatlab
Nice to meet you. I am Jun from Germany. I am using the RosMatlab I/O package released on january 2014. I am having problems when trying to publish a JointTrajectory from Matlab. Because I can’t find...
View ArticleUse ROS libraries in a non-ROS project
I have been working on a large project which uses OpenCV and Boost libraries (not using ROS). Now my manager asked me to include ROS libraries into the project. The only use for ROS will be to send and...
View Articlerostopic hz output more than real frequency
Hi All, I have a callback function that takes point clouds from a openni device at a frequency of 30 Hz. Inside that function I do some computations with it and then I publish the outcome of my...
View ArticlePublish multiarray Python msg
When I press a button of my joystick, I save one point [x y z r p y] if I press again I save another point. Here, I save two points: [[0.29845908995953135, 0.210860533103541, 1.2190388918130415,...
View ArticlePublish velocities in a Topic
Hello everyone. I am trying to publish velocities in a topic which name is "pd3x/cmd_vel". I have build this .cpp but it doesn work: #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class...
View Articlepublish array velocities in a topic?
Hi Ros users! I have just done a .cpp wich publish velocities in a opic (p3dx/cmd_vel) Here it is: int main(int argc, char **argv) { ros::init(argc, argv, "lanzando_vel"); ros::NodeHandle n;...
View ArticlePublishing a collision object to MoveIt!
I am using MoveIt! for controlling an ABB IRB1600 robotic arm. Currentyl I am able to execute trajectories with the robotic arm. The problem is that the arm moves through objects, instead of around. To...
View ArticleEmpty connection header topic
I am trying to use a driver that reads the name of the incoming topic from the connection header. When I publish data from a C++ node, it is always empty but when I use `rostopic pub` it works just...
View Articlecustom message for matrix or 2d array
Hi! I need to publish a matrix as a ROS message and I was looking around for common types of messages to see how 2d arrays were used. I checked on the following links...
View ArticlePublish Joint_State with Python to RVIZ
I have a robot that I built in URDF that I am visualizing in RVIZ. I can control the joints using the gui tool or a rostopic pub command, but I am unable to build a publisher node to interface with...
View ArticleI cannot publish sporadic messages in time for debugging - they stay in a...
Hi! I am fairly new to ROS and I am trying to debug my first planning algorithm. I am using QT Creator as IDE and I found very useful its debugging functionality based on GDB. Now, it seems natural to...
View ArticleCan't publish or use time in my class constructor
I am creating a class that subscribes to an Odometry message and in the corresponding callback function updates an OccupancyGrid message which is published to a topic. I've got all this working just...
View Articlepublish rtab point cloud from rviz
Hey! I am currently following this tutorial on my turtlebot: http://wiki.ros.org/rtabmap_ros#Nodes Therefore I started turtlebot and rviz like this: $ roslaunch turtlebot_bringup minimal.launch $...
View ArticleTwo ROS computers - roswtf: WARNING The following nodes are unexpectedly...
I'm unable to publish on /turtle1/cmd_vel with second controller computer, but it works fine on 1 computer. It works fine to send /clear service commands on 1 and 2 computer configurations. Controller...
View Articlepublishers and subscribers failing
I'm having the same problem as described here: [problem with roscore subscription and publishing](http://answers.ros.org/question/39643/problem-with-roscore-subscription-and-publishing/), on ROS Indigo...
View ArticleMy node of ROS keeps dying. Subscribe a gazebo topic and publish in a ros topic
Hi, I have created a node in ROS so I can subscribe a topic of gazebo, analyse the information and then use it. I have a callback function for the subscription and I put the information in a certain...
View Articleshifting existing sorce code to ros
I have not used ROS before and have gone through beginner tutorials on ROS. I want to create two nodes: one on the robot's processor and one on a remote computer connected on the same network. In SSH,...
View ArticleSubscribe and publish to topic
HI I just read the explanation about the topics. Looking at the codes in c++ I manage to understand how to subscribe to a topic and how to publish into a topic. My question is, how can a node A...
View ArticlePublish a complex msg on a topic
Hey, I read the topic on publishing for python scipt but now I would like to published complex msg like : People.msg Inside Int Age String FName String LName I don't know what I am supposed to write in...
View Articleproblem with publish in fork() process
When I use fork() function, then the publish function of Publisher do not work, do any one who has met this problem, I am grateful that you can tell me something, thanks :-) the code #include...
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